Driver Version 3DMark03 3DMark05 3DMark06 Crysis Crysis Warhead
*3DMark tests results are expressed in benchmarking points and the Crysis games in frames per second.
176.04 10347 6172 3567 19.31 6.83
176.37 10336 6164 3573 19.29 6.25
176.48 9837 6169 3571 19.24 3.68
176.53 10336 6159 3568 19.27 6.31
176.54 10315 6170 3571 19.29 6.57
177.66 10393 6116 3594 19.72 Test wouldn’t run
177.70 10439 6123 3602 19.94 4.61
177.73 10495 6144 3631 20.13 6.64
177.79 10510 6159 3635 20.17 5.47
177.83 10446 6137 3605 20.11 4.19
177.89 10450 6120 3600 20.1 6.77
177.92 10493 6129 3602 20.15 5.29
177.98 10448 6130 3602 20.15 6.72
178.08 10475 6212 3601 20.47 6.78
178.13 10460 6202 3601 20.17 5.82
178.15 10473 6209 3600 20.4 6.93
178.24 10468 6203 3609 20.06 6.75
178.26 10465 6204 3606 20.45 6.8
178.46 10437 6209 3608 20.4 6.77
179.28 10484 6213 3606 20.44 6.74
180.42 10426 6142 3609 21.14 6.64
180.43 10481 6145 3610 21.14 6.71
180.48 10468 6147 3602 21.15 6.5
180.60 10484 6169 3618 21.13 6.7
180.70 10491 6189 3618 21.29 6.56
180.84 10473 6186 3616 21.4 6.08
181.00 10424 6181 3616 21.4 6.67
181.20 10465 6182 3619 21.42 6.49
181.22 10505 6194 3615 21.41 Test wouldn’t run
185.20 10488 6195 3613 21.38 6.34